Welcome friend, we are here to assist you in discipleship into the Kingdom Of God. You have entered ministry which is an
Embassy of the Kingdom Of God. It is not of this world;-St. John 18:36 Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if
My kingdom were of this world, then would My servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is My kingdom
not from hence. Please be advised and noted that you are now subject to the laws of the Kingdom and jurisdiction of the Word
Of God. This Embassy and ALL its property belongs to God and are held not public. It is not incorporated, nor in any sense,
a creature of the state. It claims all its write/afirm-of existence from the Word Of God. All those who worship The Lord,
Jesus Christ and seek fellowship are welcome. However any people who enter this fellowship with an intent which is AGAINST
our Law/LORD Contrary to our Kingdom Embassy this message is for you. TAKE HEED! Filadelfeeah Church Ministry
can be characteristically found in the fellowshipping body at-large. The Bible describes these characters in Revelation chapter
3 and in verse 7 through verses 13. There is detailed translating research done at audio/video & tape & books, that
will bring you closer to what has embraced this Kingdom ministry followers. We are reminded in the Word Of The Lord from
Obadiah, ...south. verse 21-And saviours shall come up on mount Zion to judge the mount of Esau; and the kingdom shall be
the LORD'S. In cross-referencing this scripture to Hebrews 12th chapter verses 22, which reads; But ye are come unto mount
Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, 23-To the general
assembly and church of the first born, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just
men made perfect! And so it is written-Ye are our epistles written in our hearts, known and read of all men: Forasmuch as
ye are manifestly declared to be the epistle of Christ ministered by us, written not with ink, but with the Spirit of the
living God; not in tables of stone, but in fleshly of the heart. 2 Cor. 3:3 We the general assembly invite you today into
the church of the firstborn, by embracing in totality the Word Of The Living GOD! For more information see discipleship
Sobre Nostros Estas entrando a un ministro que es una Embajada del Reino de Dios. No es de este Mundo.
-St, Juan 18:36 Respondi Jess: Mi reino no es de este mundo: si de este mundo fuera mi reino, mis servidores pelearan para
que yo no fuera entregado los Judos: ahora, pues, mi reino no es de aqu. Por favor sea avisado y anote que ahora estas subjeto
a las leyes del Reino y jurisdiccion de la Palabra de Dios. Esta Embajada y TODA su propieda/caracteristica pertenece a Dios
y no se sostienen de lo publico. No es incorporado, ni en ninguna manera/sentido, criatura del estado. Demanda todo sus
afirma de existencia de la Palabra de Dios. Todas esos que adoran El Senor, Jesucristo y buscan beca son bienvenidos. Sin
embargo cualquiera que entrara esta beca con intencions que son Constrar nuestra Ley, Contraria a nuestra embajada del Reino,
este mensaje es para usted. Tome Atencion! El Ministro de la Iglesia de Filadelfeeah puede ser caracteristicamente
encontrada en el cuerpo becaen general. La biblia discribe estos caracteres en Apocolipsis capitulo 3 y versos 7 hasta el
13. Hay investigaciones de translacions detalles en audio/video y cintas y libros, que los traeran mas cerca a lo que abrazan
los seguidores del ministerio del Reino. Somos recordados dela palabra de Dios en Abdas 1 verso 21 Y vendrn salvadores al
monte de Sin para juzgar al monte de Esa; y el reino ser de Jehov. En hacer una remision de esta escritura es Hebreos capitol
12 verso 22, Mas os habis llegado al monte de Sin, y la ciudad del Dios vivo, Jerusalem la celestial, y la compaa de muchos
millares de ngeles, 23 Y la congregacin de los primognitos que estn alistados en los cielos, y Dios el Juez de todos, y
los espritus de los justos hechos perfectos! Siendo manifiesto que sois letra de Cristo administrada de nosotros, escrita
no con tinta, mas con el Espritu del Dios vivo; no en tablas de piedra, sino en tablas de carne del corazn. 2 Corintios 3:3.
Nostros la ensambla general los invitamos hoy a la iglesia del nacido primerio, abrazando en totalidad la Palabra del Dios
Vivo. Para mas information veja discipulo.